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Below you may read the Current Newsletter online, and see the summary of what has been published, has changed, was updated etc at the Russian Avant-garde Gallery.

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Issue 30, January 31st 2013.

Hello to all Russian Avant-garde Gallery visitors and subscribers.

It's been a while since I have issued the last newsletter. The Year is changed and is now 2013. The world as we know it has supposedly ended, if we take the Maya predictions to heart, and a new order will arise. In Israel there have been elections, and there also is no surprise. Several holidas have gone by for all religions and persuasions.

So let's me bring you up to date on what I have been doing all that time at the Russian Avant-garde Gallery.

An Existing Artist 
Page Remake!

For the past several months I have been busy re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, an artist with a Stand-Alone status, according to a request by my visitors. Now I am happy to say this task is complete.

The original page has been made by my mother at the very beginning, creation stage of the Russian Avant-garde Gallery, something like 2002. At the time I was not involved in the content of the website on any stage, only with the tecnical side of the website.;


A Video Article - 


While doing all the research for re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, I have come across a very interesting article, a video, a lecture really. 



Make a Difference!
Help Restore RA History!

This website deals with Russian Avant-garde in a way different from any other. It was created in order to restore the history, give back to the artists of the Russian Avant-garde the voice taken from them during the USSR persecutions. These artists are more than their works. They each have stories, personal tragedies, which teach us so many lessons in history of art and culture, of human nature and politics, of Power and freedom of expression. These stories teach us, one person at a time, about each artist's search for expression, struggle against oppression and dictate, their own personal solution to that conflict - or lack thereof...

You can help! You can make a difference!


Team Member Wanted!

The Russian Avant-garde Gallery is looking for a new Team Member who is:

  • passionate about Russian Avant-garde;
  • loves the Gallery and wants to be a part of this project;
  • knows people in galleries, museums, auction houses - or loves and is good at making contacts;
  • is full of creative ideas;
  • enjoys selling...

Read more....

Enjoy your browsing!

Vera Kofyan


New Movements/Artists Published

New Artists

Additions/Updates to Previously Published Artists

New Movements

  • Total overhaul of the whole website - full reprogramming and change of concept - released February 2012
  • Path of Painting (Nov-10)
  • NOZh (Sep-10)
  • ZORVED (Sep-10)
  • MAI - The Filonov School (Sep-10)
  • The 4 Arts Society (Sep-10)
  • Thirteen (Sep-10)
  • AKhR/AKhRR (July-10)
  • Makovetz (May-10)
  • OST (Dec-09)
  • OBMOKhU (Aug-09)
  • OMKh (Jun-09)

Additions/Updates to Previously Published Movements

  • Circle of Artists (Jun-09)
  • Thirteen movement page - images added, text expanded (May-12)
  • Official Art movement page - image and text on artist purge added for information and illustration (Apr-12)
  • Total overhaul of the whole website - full reprogramming and change of concept - released February 2012
  • World of Art movement page - images added for illustration (Nov-10)
  • Blue Rose movement page - images added for illustration (Nov-10)

Pages Added / Removed / Modified 


  • Make a Difference - a new section where YOU may participate in the noble cause and process of telling this story to the public in a very real and substantial way (Jan-13)
  • Articles - a new section, where artisles on Russian Anavt-garde artists, movements and other relevant things which I find and translate, or are sent to me, etc. will be posted (Jul-12)
  • Group of Five - a new page in the Artistic Artistic Groups of the 19-20th Centuries category (May-12)
  • ROST Society of Artists - a new page in the Artistic Artistic Groups of the 19-20th Centuries category (May-12)
  • Membership Benefits - (Feb-12)
  • Bibliography List - a list of all bibliography used while publishing the information; the artist-specific lists are published for each artist, additionally, on their pages (Feb-12)
  • All Artists - a list of all artists with pages hitherto published at the Gallery, linking to these pages (Feb-12)
  • Artistic Groups 19-20th Century - a new category, listing various groupings, mentioned in different texts, biographies etc, with a full page for each group illustrating its purpose, members and beliefs (Feb-12)
  • Introduction for Those New to Russian Avant-garde - a new concept for helping the non-experts to understand and discover (Feb-12)
  • Total overhaul of the whole website - full reprogramming and change of concept - released February 2012
  • Member Lists for all movements - movement page has a link to its list (Sep-10) - currently not operational, in work
  • Newsletter Archive (Jun-09)
  • What's New - restructured into a section (May-09)


  • Recommendations section operational as before (links below active) - total overhaul of the whole website - full reprogramming and change of concept - released February 2012
  • Special Bookshops - New category added with special recommended bookshops that may be of interest to the visitors of this Gallery
  • Recommended Books on Avantgarde - General Collections (Aug-09) - note that the page is updated and books are added continuously
  • Recommended Books on Avantgarde - Specific Movement Collections (Aug-09) - note that the page is updated and books are added continuously
  • Recommended Books on Avantgarde - Individual Artists (Aug-09) - the relevant recommendations appear on the artist's page in Books tab. Note that these are added continuously, and tabs appear where now there are none.
  • Recommended Films on Avant-garde (Jun-09)

Site Creator:

  • Site Creators - section made of three parts: Tatiana Kofyan, Vera Kofyan (including site managing pages: Terms and Conditions and Mission Statement & Privacy Policy) and Our Team  (Feb-12)
  • Total overhaul of the whole website - full reprogramming and change of concept - released February 2012
  • Archaeology Drawings - published works and sketches by the Site Creator (Aug-10)
  • Judaica - Jewish illuminated documents, books etc. by the Site Creator (Aug-10)
  • The Site Creator - restructured into a section (May-09)
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